Subpart A – General
- Sec. 61.1 - Applicability and definitions.
- Sec. 61.2 - Exercise of Privilege.
- Sec. 61.3 - Requirement for certificates, ratings, and authorizations.
- Sec. 61.4 - Qualification and approval of flight simulators and flight training devices.
- Sec. 61.5 - Certificates and ratings issued under this part.
- Sec. 61.7 - Obsolete certificates and ratings.
- Sec. 61.9 - [Reserved]
- Sec. 61.11 - Expired pilot certificates and re-issuance.
- Sec. 61.13 - Issuance of airman certificates, ratings, and authorizations.
- Sec. 61.14 - [Reserved]
- Sec. 61.15 - Offenses involving alcohol or drugs.
- Sec. 61.16 - Refusal to submit to an alcohol test or to furnish test results.
- Sec. 61.17 - Temporary certificate.
- Sec. 61.18 - Security disqualification.
- Sec. 61.19 - Duration of pilot and instructor certificates.
- Sec. 61.21 - Duration of a Category II and a Category III pilot authorization (for other than part 121 and part 135 use).
- Sec. 61.23 - Medical certificates: Requirement and duration.
- Sec. 61.25 - Change of name.
- Sec. 61.27 - Voluntary surrender or exchange of certificate.
- Sec. 61.29 - Replacement of a lost or destroyed airman or medical certificate or knowledge test report.
- Sec. 61.31 - Type rating requirements, additional training, and authorization requirements.
- Sec. 61.33 - Tests: General procedure.
- Sec. 61.35 - Knowledge test: Prerequisites and passing grades.
- Sec. 61.37 - Knowledge tests: Cheating or other unauthorized conduct.
- Sec. 61.39 - Prerequisites for practical tests.
- Sec. 61.41 - Flight training received from flight instructors not certificated by the FAA.
- Sec. 61.43 - Practical tests: General procedures.
- Sec. 61.45 - Practical tests: Required aircraft and equipment.
- Sec. 61.47 - Status of an examiner who is authorized by the Administrator to conduct practical tests.
- Sec. 61.49 - Retesting after failure.
- Sec. 61.51 - Pilot logbooks.
- Sec. 61.52 - Use of aeronautical experience obtained in ultralight vehicles.
- Sec. 61.53 - Prohibition on operations during medical deficiency.
- Sec. 61.55 - Second-in-command qualifications.
- Sec. 61.56 - Flight review.
- Sec. 61.57 - Recent flight experience: Pilot in command.
- Sec. 61.58 - Pilot-in-command proficiency check: Operation of aircraft requiring more than one pilot flight crewmember.
- Sec. 61.59 - Falsification, reproduction, or alteration of applications, certificates, logbooks, reports, or records.
- Sec. 61.60 - Change of address.
Subpart B – Aircraft Ratings and Pilot Authorizations
Subpart C – Student Pilots
Subpart D – Recreational Pilots
Subpart E – Private Pilots
Subpart F – Commercial Pilots
Subpart G – Airline Transport Pilots
Subpart H – Flight Instructors Other than Flight Instructors With a Sport Pilot Rating
Subpart I – Ground Instructors
Subpart J – Sport Pilots
Subpart K – Flight Instructors With a Sport Pilot Rating