(1) Eligibility.
(2) Aeronautical knowledge.
(3) Flight proficiency.
(4) Endorsements.
(5) Privileges and limits.
(b) Other provisions of this part apply to the logging of flight time and testing.
[Doc. No. FAA–2001–11133, 69 FR 44875, July 27, 2004, as amended by Amdt. 61–125, 75 FR 5222, Feb. 1, 2010]
NEXT: Sec. 61.403 - What are the age, language, and pilot certificate requirements for a flight instructor certificate with a sport pilot rating?
PREVIOUS: Sec. 61.325 - How do I obtain privileges to operate a light-sport aircraft at an airport within, or in airspace within, Class B, C, and D airspace, or in other airspace with an airport having an operational control tower?