(b) The following pilot certificates and ratings have expired and will not be reissued:
(1) An airline transport pilot certificate issued before May 1, 1949, or an airline transport pilot certificate that contains a horsepower limitation.
(2) A private or commercial pilot certificate issued before July 1, 1945.
(3) A pilot certificate with a lighter-than-air or free-balloon rating issued before July 1, 1945.
(c) An airline transport pilot certificate that was issued after April 30, 1949, and that bears an expiration date but does not contain a horsepower limitation, may have that airline transport pilot certificate re-issued without an expiration date.
(d) A private or commercial pilot certificate that was issued after June 30, 1945, and that bears an expiration date, may have that pilot certificate reissued without an expiration date.
(e) A pilot certificate with a lighter-than-air or free-balloon rating that was issued after June 30, 1945, and that bears an expiration date, may have that pilot certificate reissued without an expiration date.
[Doc. No. FAA–2006–26661, 74 FR 42547, Aug. 21, 2009]
NEXT: Sec. 61.13 - Issuance of airman certificates, ratings, and authorizations.
PREVIOUS: Sec. 61.9 - [Reserved]