(b) Additional aircraft category rating. A person who applies to add a category rating to a pilot certificate:
(1) Must complete the training and have the applicable aeronautical experience.
(2) Must have a logbook or training record endorsement from an authorized instructor attesting that the person was found competent in the appropriate aeronautical knowledge areas and proficient in the appropriate areas of operation.
(3) Must pass the practical test.
(4) Need not take an additional knowledge test, provided the applicant holds an airplane, rotorcraft, powered-lift, weight-shift-control aircraft, powered parachute, or airship rating at that pilot certificate level.
(c) Additional aircraft class rating. A person who applies for an additional class rating on a pilot certificate:
(1) Must have a logbook or training record endorsement from an authorized instructor attesting that the person was found competent in the appropriate aeronautical knowledge areas and proficient in the appropriate areas of operation.
(2) Must pass the practical test.
(3) Need not meet the specified training time requirements prescribed by this part that apply to the pilot certificate for the aircraft class rating sought; unless, the person only holds a lighter-than-air category rating with a balloon class rating and is seeking an airship class rating, then that person must receive the specified training time requirements and possess the appropriate aeronautical experience.
(4) Need not take an additional knowledge test, provided the applicant holds an airplane, rotorcraft, powered-lift, weight-shift-control aircraft, powered parachute, or airship rating at that pilot certificate level.
(d) Additional aircraft type rating. Except as provided under paragraph (d)(6) of this section, a person who applies for an aircraft type rating or an aircraft type rating to be completed concurrently with an aircraft category or class rating—
(1) Must hold or concurrently obtain an appropriate instrument rating, except as provided in paragraph (e) of this section.
(2) Must have a logbook or training record endorsement from an authorized instructor attesting that the person is competent in the appropriate aeronautical knowledge areas and proficient in the appropriate areas of operation at the airline transport pilot certification level.
(3) Must pass the practical test at the airline transport pilot certification level.
(4) Must perform the practical test in actual or simulated instrument conditions, except as provided in paragraph (e) of this section.
(5) Need not take an additional knowledge test if the applicant holds an airplane, rotorcraft, powered-lift, or airship rating on the pilot certificate.
(6) In the case of a pilot employee of a part 121 or part 135 certificate holder or of a fractional ownership program manager under subpart K of part 91 of this chapter, the pilot must—
(i) Meet the appropriate requirements under paragraphs (d)(1), (d)(3), and (d)(4) of this section; and
(ii) Receive a flight training record endorsement from the certificate holder attesting that the person completed the certificate holder's approved ground and flight training program.
(e) Aircraft not capable of instrument maneuvers and procedures. (1) An applicant for a type rating or a type rating in addition to an aircraft category and/or class rating who provides an aircraft that is not capable of the instrument maneuvers and procedures required on the practical test:
(i) May apply for the type rating, but the rating will be limited to “VFR only.”
(ii) May have the “VFR only” limitation removed for that aircraft type after the applicant:
(A) Passes a practical test in that type of aircraft in actual or simulated instrument conditions;
(B) Passes a practical test in that type of aircraft on the appropriate instrument maneuvers and procedures in §61.157; or
(C) Becomes qualified under §61.73(d) for that type of aircraft.
(2) When an instrument rating is issued to a person who holds one or more type ratings, the amended pilot certificate must bear the “VFR only” limitation for each aircraft type rating that the person did not demonstrate instrument competency.
(f) Multiengine airplane with a single-pilot station. An applicant for a type rating, at other than the ATP certification level, in a multiengine airplane with a single-pilot station must perform the practical test in the multi-seat version of that airplane, or the practical test may be performed in the single-seat version of that airplane if the Examiner is in a position to observe the applicant during the practical test and there is no multi-seat version of that multiengine airplane.
(g) Single engine airplane with a single-pilot station. An applicant for a type rating, at other than the ATP certification level, in a single engine airplane with a single-pilot station must perform the practical test in the multi-seat version of that single engine airplane, or the practical test may be performed in the single-seat version of that airplane if the Examiner is in a position to observe the applicant during the practical test and there is no multi-seat version of that single engine airplane.
(h) Aircraft category and class rating for the operation of aircraft with an experimental certificate. A person holding a recreational, private, or commercial pilot certificate may apply for a category and class rating limited to a specific make and model of experimental aircraft, provided—
(1) The person logged 5 hours flight time while acting as pilot in command in the same category, class, make, and model of aircraft.
(2) The person received a logbook endorsement from an authorized instructor who determined the pilot's proficiency to act as pilot in command of the same category, class, make, and model of aircraft.
(3) The flight time specified under paragraph (h)(1) of this section was logged between September 1, 2004 and August 31, 2005.
(i) Waiver authority. An Examiner who conducts a practical test may waive any task for which the FAA has provided waiver authority.
[Doc. No. FAA–2006–26661, 74 FR 42552, Aug. 21, 2009, as amended by Amdt. 61–125, 75 FR 5220, Feb. 1, 2010]
NEXT: Sec. 61.64 - Use of a flight simulator and flight training device.
PREVIOUS: Sec. 61.61 - Applicability.