(a) Receive a logbook endorsement from the authorized instructor who trained you on the applicable areas of operation specified in §61.409 certifying you have met the aeronautical knowledge and flight proficiency requirements for the additional category and class flight instructor privilege you seek;
(b) Successfully complete a proficiency check from an authorized instructor other than the instructor who trained you on the areas specified in §61.409 for the additional category and class flight instructor privilege you seek;
(c) Complete an application for those privileges on a form and in a manner acceptable to the FAA and present this application to the authorized instructor who conducted the proficiency check specified in paragraph (b) of this section; and
(d) Receive a logbook endorsement from the instructor who conducted the proficiency check specified in paragraph (b) of this section certifying you are proficient in the areas of operation and authorized for the additional category and class flight instructor privilege.
NEXT: Sec. 61.421 - May I give myself an endorsement?
PREVIOUS: Sec. 61.417 - Will my flight instructor certificate with a sport pilot rating list aircraft category and class ratings?