(1) Main circuits of starter motors used during starting only; and
(2) Circuits in which no hazard is presented by their omission.
(b) A protective device for a circuit essential to flight safety may not be used to protect any other circuit.
(c) Each resettable circuit protective device (“trip free” device in which the tripping mechanism cannot be overridden by the operating control) must be designed so that—
(1) A manual operation is required to restore service after tripping; and
(2) If an overload or circuit fault exists, the device will open the circuit regardless of the position of the operating control.
(d) If the ability to reset a circuit breaker or replace a fuse is essential to safety in flight, that circuit breaker or fuse must be so located and identified that it can be readily reset or replaced in flight.
(e) For fuses identified as replaceable in flight—
(1) There must be one spare of each rating or 50 percent spare fuses of each rating, whichever is greater; and
(2) The spare fuse(s) must be readily accessible to any required pilot.
[Doc. No. 4080, 29 FR 17955, Dec. 18, 1964; 30 FR 258, Jan. 9, 1965, as amended by Amdt. 23–20, 42 FR 36969, July 18, 1977]; Amdt. 23–43, 58 FR 18976, Apr. 9, 1993
NEXT: Sec. 23.1359 - Electrical system fire protection.
PREVIOUS: Sec. 23.1353 - Storage battery design and installation.