(b) Safe cell temperatures and pressures must be maintained during any probable charging and discharging condition. No uncontrolled increase in cell temperature may result when the battery is recharged (after previous complete discharge)—
(1) At maximum regulated voltage or power;
(2) During a flight of maximum duration; and
(3) Under the most adverse cooling condition likely to occur in service.
(c) Compliance with paragraph (b) of this section must be shown by tests unless experience with similar batteries and installations has shown that maintaining safe cell temperatures and pressures presents no problem.
(d) No explosive or toxic gases emitted by any battery in normal operation, or as the result of any probable malfunction in the charging system or battery installation, may accumulate in hazardous quantities within the airplane.
(e) No corrosive fluids or gases that may escape from the battery may damage surrounding structures or adjacent essential equipment.
(f) Each nickel cadmium battery installation capable of being used to start an engine or auxiliary power unit must have provisions to prevent any hazardous effect on structure or essential systems that may be caused by the maximum amount of heat the battery can generate during a short circuit of the battery or of its individual cells.
(g) Nickel cadmium battery installations capable of being used to start an engine or auxiliary power unit must have—
(1) A system to control the charging rate of the battery automatically so as to prevent battery overheating;
(2) A battery temperature sensing and over-temperature warning system with a means for disconnecting the battery from its charging source in the event of an over-temperature condition; or
(3) A battery failure sensing and warning system with a means for disconnecting the battery from its charging source in the event of battery failure.
(h) In the event of a complete loss of the primary electrical power generating system, the battery must be capable of providing at least 30 minutes of electrical power to those loads that are essential to continued safe flight and landing. The 30 minute time period includes the time needed for the pilots to recognize the loss of generated power and take appropriate load shedding action.
[Doc. No. 4080, 29 FR 17955, Dec. 18, 1964; 30 FR 258, Jan. 9, 1965, as amended by Amdt. 23–20, 42 FR 36969, July 18, 1977; Amdt. 23–21, 43 FR 2319, Jan. 16, 1978; Amdt. 23–49, 61 FR 5169, Feb. 9, 1996]
NEXT: Sec. 23.1357 - Circuit protective devices.
PREVIOUS: Sec. 23.1351 - General.