(1) Paragraph (a), “Government contracts”, of §60–1.4, “Equal opportunity clause”.
(2) Section 60–1.6, “Duties of agencies”.
(b) Applicability and effectiveness. The regulations incorporated by reference in paragraph (a) of this section apply to grant agreements made after June 30, 1968. They also apply to contracts, as defined in §60–1.3(f) of Title 41, entered into under any grant agreement made before or after that date, as provided in §60–1.47 of Title 41.
(Sec. 307, 72 Stat. 752, 49 U.S.C. 1348)
[Amdt. 151–23, 33 FR 9543, June 29, 1968]
NEXT: Sec. 151.55 - Accounting and audit.
PREVIOUS: Sec. 151.54 - Equal employment opportunity requirements: Before July 1, 1968.