(a) All U.S. air carriers or commercial operators;
(b) All persons exercising the privileges of an airman certificate issued by the FAA except such persons operating U.S.-registered aircraft for a foreign air carrier; and
(c) All operators of aircraft registered in the United States except where the operator of such aircraft is a foreign air carrier.
2. Flight prohibition. Except as provided below, or in paragraphs 3 and 4 of this SFAR, no person described in paragraph 1 may conduct flight operations within the territory and airspace of Somalia below flight level (FL) 200.
(a) Overflights of Somalia may be conducted above FL 200 subject to the approval of, and in accordance with the conditions established by, the appropriate authorities of Somalia.
(b) Flights departing from countries adjacent to Somalia whose climb performance will not permit operation above FL 200 prior to entering Somali airspace may operate at altitudes below FL 200 within Somalia to the extent necessary to permit a climb above FL 200, subject to the approval of, and in accordance with the conditions established by, the appropriate authorities of Somalia.
3. Permitted operations. This SFAR does not prohibit persons described in section 1 from conducting flight operations within the territory and airspace below FL 200 of Somalia when such operations are authorized either by another agency of the United States Government with the approval of the FAA or by an exemption issued by the Administrator.
4. Emergency situations. In an emergency that requires immediate decision and action for the safety of the flight, the pilot in command of an aircraft may deviate from this SFAR to the extent required by that emergency. Except for U.S. air carriers and commercial operators that are subject to the requirements of Title 14 CFR parts 119, 121, or 135, each person who deviates from this rule must, within 10 days of the deviation, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and Federal holidays, submit to the nearest FAA Flight Standards District Office a complete report of the operations of the aircraft involved in the deviation, including a description of the deviation and the reasons for it.
5. Expiration. This Special Federal Aviation Regulation will remain in effect until further notice.
[Doc. No. FAA–2007–27602, 72 FR 16712, Apr. 5, 2007]
NEXT: Special Federal Aviation Regulation 108 - Mitsubishi MU–2B Series Special Training, Experience, and Operating Requirements
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