(a) Any object of natural growth, terrain, or permanent or temporary construction or alteration, including appurtenances and equipment or materials used therein.
(b) Any apparatus of a permanent or temporary character.
Section 2. Notice of Construction/Alteration. Proponents proposing construction or alteration of any object described in Section 1 that would exceed 50 feet AGL and is within 3 NM radius of lat. 31°34'45 N, long. 97°32'00 W shall notify the Administrator in the form and manner prescribed in 14 CFR 77.17.
Section 3. Obstruction Standard.
(a) Any object described in Section 1 that would exceed 50 feet AGL and is within 3 NM radius of lat. 31°34'45N, long. 97°32'00W is an obstruction and is presumed to adversely affect aviation safety and therefore is a hazard to air navigation.
(b) A Determination of No Hazard will be issued only when the FAA determines, based upon submitted information and in consultation with the USMC and the SSPPD, that the construction or alteration will not adversely affect safety and would not result in a hazard to air navigation.
Section 4. Termination. This rule will terminate at the end of President George W. Bush's term in office.
[Doc. No. FAA–2003–14972, 68 FR 19732, Apr. 22, 2003; 68 FR 23584, May 5, 2003]
NEXT: Sec. 77.1 - Scope.
PREVIOUS: Sec. 73.85 - Using agency.