(b) For each FSTD qualified before May 30, 2008, no sponsor may use or allow the use of or offer the use of such an FSTD after May 30, 2014 for flight crewmember training, evaluation or flight experience to meet any of the requirements of this chapter, unless that FSTD has been issued a Statement of Qualification, including the Configuration List and the List of Qualified Tasks in accordance with the procedures set out in the applicable QPS.
(c) If the FSTD qualification is lost under §60.27 and—
(i) Restored under §60.27 in less than (2) years, then the qualification basis (in terms of objective tests and subjective tests) for the re-qualification will be those against which the FSTD was originally evaluated and qualified.
(ii) Not restored under §60.27 for two (2) years or more, then the qualification basis (in terms of objective tests and subjective tests) for the re-qualification will be those standards in effect and current at the time of re-qualification application.
(d) Except as provided in paragraph (e) of this section, any change in FSTD qualification level initiated on or after May 30, 2008 requires an evaluation for initial qualification in accordance with this part.
(e) A sponsor may request that an FSTD be permanently downgraded. In such a case, the NSPM may downgrade a qualified FSTD without requiring and without conducting an initial evaluation for the new qualification level. Subsequent continuing qualification evaluations will use the existing MQTG, modified as necessary to reflect the new qualification level.
(f) When the sponsor has appropriate validation data available and receives approval from the NSPM, the sponsor may adopt tests and associated tolerances described in the current qualification standards as the tests and tolerances applicable for the continuing qualification of a previously qualified FSTD. The updated test(s) and tolerance(s) must be made a permanent part of the MQTG.
[Doc. No. FAA–2002–12461, 71 FR 63426, Oct. 30, 2006; Amdt. 60–2, 72 FR 59599, Oct. 22, 2007]
NEXT: Sec. 60.19 - Inspection, continuing qualification evaluation, and maintenance requirements.
PREVIOUS: Sec. 60.16 - Additional qualifications for a currently qualified FSTD.