(1) Performance of 20 runs, each of 30 seconds duration, at the maximum propeller overspeed condition; or
(2) Analysis based on test or service experience.
(b) When the applicant seeks approval of a transient maximum propeller overtorque, the applicant must demonstrate that the propeller is capable of further operation without maintenance action at the maximum propeller overtorque condition. This may be accomplished by:
(1) Performance of 20 runs, each of 30 seconds duration, at the maximum propeller overtorque condition; or
(2) Analysis based on test or service experience.
[Amdt. No. 35–8, 73 FR 63349, Oct. 24, 2008]
NEXT: Sec. 35.42 - Components of the propeller control system.
PREVIOUS: Sec. 35.40 - Functional test.