CO Carbon monoxide
EPA United States Environmental Protection Agency
FAA Federal Aviation Administration, United States Department of Transportation
HC Hydrocarbon(s)
HP Horsepower
hr Hour(s)
H20 water
kg Kilogram(s)
kJ Kilojoule(s)
LTO Landing and takeoff
min Minute(s)
NOX Oxides of nitrogen
Pa Pascal(s)
rO Rated output
rPR Rated pressure ratio
sec Second(s)
SP Shaft power
SN Smoke number
T Temperature, degrees Kelvin
TIM Time in mode
W Watt(s)
°C Degrees Celsius
% Percent
Doc. No. 25613, 55 FR 32861, Aug. 10, 1990, as amended by Amdt. 34–3, 64 FR 5559, Feb. 3, 1999]
NEXT: Sec. 34.3 - General requirements.
PREVIOUS: Sec. 34.1 - Definitions.