(1) Exhibit permanent distortion beyond serviceable limits or exhibit leakage that could create a hazardous condition when subjected to the greater of the following pressures:
(i) 1.1 times the maximum working pressure;
(ii) 1.33 times the normal working pressure; or
(iii) 35 kPa (5 p.s.i.) above the normal working pressure.
(2) Exhibit fracture or burst when subjected to the greater of the following pressures:
(i) 1.15 times the maximum possible pressure;
(ii) 1.5 times the maximum working pressure; or
(iii) 35 kPa (5 p.s.i.) above the maximum possible pressure.
(b) Compliance with this section must take into account:
(1) The operating temperature of the part;
(2) Any other significant static loads in addition to pressure loads;
(3) Minimum properties representative of both the material and the processes used in the construction of the part; and
(4) Any adverse geometry conditions allowed by the type design.
[Amdt. 33–27; 73 FR 55437, Sept. 25, 2008; Amdt. 33–27, 73 FR 57235, Oct. 2, 2008]
NEXT: Sec. 33.65 - Surge and stall characteristics.
PREVIOUS: Sec. 33.63 - Vibration.