(1) ±25 degrees from trim at a speed of 15 knots less than the speed for minimum rate of descent varying linearly to ±10 degrees from trim at VNE;
(2) The steady-state sideslip angles established by §29.351;
(3) A sideslip angle selected by the applicant, which corresponds to a sideforce of at least 0.1g; or
(4) The sideslip angle attained by maximum directional control input.
(b) Sufficient cues must accompany the sideslip to alert the pilot when approaching sideslip limits.
(c) During the maneuver specified in paragraph (a) of this section, the sideslip angle versus directional control position curve may have a negative slope within a small range of angles around trim, provided the desired heading can be maintained without exceptional piloting skill or alertness.
[Amdt. No. 29–51, 73 FR 11001, Feb. 29, 2008]
NEXT: Sec. 29.181 - Dynamic stability: Category A rotorcraft.
PREVIOUS: Sec. 29.175 - Demonstration of static longitudinal stability.