(1) The control system between the stops nearest the surfaces and the cockpit controls must be designed for loads corresponding to the limit hinge moments H of paragraph (a)(2) of this section. These loads need not exceed—
(i) The loads corresponding to the maximum pilot loads in §25.397(c) for each pilot alone; or
(ii) 0.75 times these maximum loads for each pilot when the pilot forces are applied in the same direction.
(2) The control system stops nearest the surfaces, the control system locks, and the parts of the systems (if any) between these stops and locks and the control surface horns, must be designed for limit hinge moments H, in foot pounds, obtained from the formula, H=.0034KV2 cS, where—
V=65 (wind speed in knots) K=limit hinge moment factor for ground gusts derived in paragraph (b) of this section. c=mean chord of the control surface aft of the hinge line (ft); S=area of the control surface aft of the hinge line (sq ft);
(b) The limit hinge moment factor K for ground gusts must be derived as follows:
Surface | K | Position of controls |
(a) Aileron | 0.75 | Control column locked or lashed in mid-position. |
(b) ......do | 11 ±0.50 | Ailerons at full throw. |
(c) Elevator | 11 ±0.75 | (c) Elevator full down. |
(d) ......do | 11 ±0.75 | (d) Elevator full up. |
(e) Rudder | 0.75 | (e) Rudder in neutral. |
(f) ......do | 0.75 | (f) Rudder at full throw. |
1A positive value of K indicates a moment tending to depress the surface, while a negative value of K indicates a moment tending to raise the surface.
[Doc. No. 5066, 29 FR 18291, Dec. 24, 1964, as amended by Amdt. 25–72, 55 FR 29776, July 20, 1990; Amdt. 25–91, 62 FR 40705, July 29, 1997]
NEXT: Sec. 25.427 - Unsymmetrical loads.
PREVIOUS: Sec. 25.409 - Tabs.