(1) Takeoff power on each engine;
(2) The landing gear extended;
(3) The wing flaps in the landing position, except that if the flaps may safely be retracted in two seconds or less without loss of altitude and without sudden changes of angle of attack, they may be retracted; and
(4) A climb speed equal to VREF, as defined in §23.73(a).
(b) Each normal, utility, and acrobatic category reciprocating engine-powered airplane of more than 6,000 pounds maximum weight and each normal, utility, and acrobatic category turbine engine-powered airplane must be able to maintain a steady gradient of climb of at least 2.5 percent with—
(1) Not more than the power that is available on each engine eight seconds after initiation of movement of the power controls from minimum flight-idle position;
(2) The landing gear extended;
(3) The wing flaps in the landing position; and
(4) A climb speed equal to VREF, as defined in §23.73(b).
(c) Each commuter category airplane must be able to maintain a steady gradient of climb of at least 3.2 percent with—
(1) Not more than the power that is available on each engine eight seconds after initiation of movement of the power controls from the minimum flight idle position;
(2) Landing gear extended;
(3) Wing flaps in the landing position; and
(4) A climb speed equal to VREF, as defined in §23.73(c).
[Doc. No. 27807, 61 FR 5187, Feb. 9, 1996]
NEXT: Sec. 23.141 - General.
PREVIOUS: Sec. 23.75 - Landing distance.