h (inches)=3.6 ( W/S )
However, the free drop height may not be less than 9.2 inches and need not be more than 18.7 inches.
(b) If the effect of wing lift is provided for in free drop tests, the landing gear must be dropped with an effective weight equal to
where— W h =specified free drop height (inches); d =deflection under impact of the tire (at the approved inflation pressure) plus the vertical component of the axle travel relative to the drop mass (inches); W=W W=W W=W L= the ratio of the assumed wing lift to the airplane weight, but not more than 0.667.
(c) The limit inertia load factor must be determined in a rational or conservative manner, during the drop test, using a landing gear unit attitude, and applied drag loads, that represent the landing conditions.
(d) The value of d used in the computation of W
(e) The limit inertia load factor must be determined from the drop test in paragraph (b) of this section according to the following formula:
where— n W
(f) The value of n determined in accordance with paragraph (e) may not be more than the limit inertia load factor used in the landing conditions in §23.473.
[Doc. No. 4080, 29 FR 17955, Dec. 18, 1964, as amended by Amdt. 23–7, 34 FR 13091, Aug. 13, 1969; Amdt. 23–48, 61 FR 5148, Feb. 9, 1996]
NEXT: Sec. 23.726 - Ground load dynamic tests.
PREVIOUS: Sec. 23.723 - Shock absorption tests.