(1) The brakes on the pivoting unit locked; and
(2) Loads corresponding to a limit vertical load factor of 1, and coefficient of friction of 0.8 applied to the main gear and its supporting structure.
(b) Unequal tire loads. The loads established under §§23.471 through 23.483 must be applied in turn, in a 60/40 percent distribution, to the dual wheels and tires in each dual wheel landing gear unit.
(c) Deflated tire loads. For the deflated tire condition—
(1) 60 percent of the loads established under §§23.471 through 23.483 must be applied in turn to each wheel in a landing gear unit; and
(2) 60 percent of the limit drag and side loads, and 100 percent of the limit vertical load established under §§23.485 and 23.493 or lesser vertical load obtained under paragraph (c)(1) of this section, must be applied in turn to each wheel in the dual wheel landing gear unit.
[Amdt. 23–7, 34 FR 13090, Aug. 13, 1969]
NEXT: Sec. 23.521 - Water load conditions.
PREVIOUS: Sec. 23.509 - Towing loads.