(a) Airspeed limitations. The following information must be furnished:
(1) Information necessary for the marking of the airspeed limits on the indicator as required in §23.1545, and the significance of each of those limits and of the color coding used on the indicator.
(2) The speeds VMC, VO, VLE, and VLO, if established, and their significance.
(3) In addition, for turbine powered commuter category airplanes—
(i) The maximum operating limit speed, VMO/MMOand a statement that this speed must not be deliberately exceeded in any regime of flight (climb, cruise or descent) unless a higher speed is authorized for flight test or pilot training;
(ii) If an airspeed limitation is based upon compressibility effects, a statement to this effect and information as to any symptoms, the probable behavior of the airplane, and the recommended recovery procedures; and
(iii) The airspeed limits must be shown in terms of VMO/MMOinstead of VNOand VNE.
(b) Powerplant limitations. The following information must be furnished:
(1) Limitations required by §23.1521.
(2) Explanation of the limitations, when appropriate.
(3) Information necessary for marking the instruments required by §23.1549 through §23.1553.
(c) Weight. The airplane flight manual must include—
(1) The maximum weight; and
(2) The maximum landing weight, if the design landing weight selected by the applicant is less than the maximum weight.
(3) For normal, utility, and acrobatic category reciprocating engine-powered airplanes of more than 6,000 pounds maximum weight and for turbine engine-powered airplanes in the normal, utility, and acrobatic category, performance operating limitations as follows—
(i) The maximum takeoff weight for each airport altitude and ambient temperature within the range selected by the applicant at which the airplane complies with the climb requirements of §23.63(c)(1).
(ii) The maximum landing weight for each airport altitude and ambient temperature within the range selected by the applicant at which the airplane complies with the climb requirements of §23.63(c)(2).
(4) For commuter category airplanes, the maximum takeoff weight for each airport altitude and ambient temperature within the range selected by the applicant at which—
(i) The airplane complies with the climb requirements of §23.63(d)(1); and
(ii) The accelerate-stop distance determined under §23.55 is equal to the available runway length plus the length of any stopway, if utilized; and either:
(iii) The takeoff distance determined under §23.59(a) is equal to the available runway length; or
(iv) At the option of the applicant, the takeoff distance determined under §23.59(a) is equal to the available runway length plus the length of any clearway and the takeoff run determined under §23.59(b) is equal to the available runway length.
(5) For commuter category airplanes, the maximum landing weight for each airport altitude within the range selected by the applicant at which—
(i) The airplane complies with the climb requirements of §23.63(d)(2) for ambient temperatures within the range selected by the applicant; and
(ii) The landing distance determined under §23.75 for standard temperatures is equal to the available runway length.
(6) The maximum zero wing fuel weight, where relevant, as established in accordance with §23.343.
(d) Center of gravity. The established center of gravity limits.
(e) Maneuvers. The following authorized maneuvers, appropriate airspeed limitations, and unauthorized maneuvers, as prescribed in this section.
(1) Normal category airplanes. No acrobatic maneuvers, including spins, are authorized.
(2) Utility category airplanes. A list of authorized maneuvers demonstrated in the type flight tests, together with recommended entry speeds and any other associated limitations. No other maneuver is authorized.
(3) Acrobatic category airplanes. A list of approved flight maneuvers demonstrated in the type flight tests, together with recommended entry speeds and any other associated limitations.
(4) Acrobatic category airplanes and utility category airplanes approved for spinning. Spin recovery procedure established to show compliance with §23.221(c).
(5) Commuter category airplanes. Maneuvers are limited to any maneuver incident to normal flying, stalls, (except whip stalls) and steep turns in which the angle of bank is not more than 60 degrees.
(f) Maneuver load factor. The positive limit load factors in g's, and, in addition, the negative limit load factor for acrobatic category airplanes.
(g) Minimum flight crew. The number and functions of the minimum flight crew determined under §23.1523.
(h) Kinds of operation. A list of the kinds of operation to which the airplane is limited or from which it is prohibited under §23.1525, and also a list of installed equipment that affects any operating limitation and identification as to the equipment's required operational status for the kinds of operation for which approval has been given.
(i) Maximum operating altitude. The maximum altitude established under §23.1527.
(j) Maximum passenger seating configuration. The maximum passenger seating configuration.
(k) Allowable lateral fuel loading. The maximum allowable lateral fuel loading differential, if less than the maximum possible.
(l) Baggage and cargo loading. The following information for each baggage and cargo compartment or zone—
(1) The maximum allowable load; and
(2) The maximum intensity of loading.
(m) Systems. Any limitations on the use of airplane systems and equipment.
(n) Ambient temperatures. Where appropriate, maximum and minimum ambient air temperatures for operation.
(o) Smoking. Any restrictions on smoking in the airplane.
(p) Types of surface. A statement of the types of surface on which operations may be conducted. (See §23.45(g) and §23.1587 (a)(4), (c)(2), and (d)(4)).
[Doc. No. 4080, 29 FR 17955, Dec. 18, 1964, as amended by Amdt. 23–7, 34 FR 13097, Aug. 13, 1969; Amdt. 23–10, 36 FR 2864, Feb. 11, 1971; Amdt. 23–21, 43 FR 2320, Jan. 16, 1978; Amdt. 23–23, 43 FR 50594, Oct. 30, 1978; Amdt. 23–34, 52 FR 1834, Jan. 15, 1987; Amdt. 23–45, 58 FR 42166, Aug. 6, 1993; Amdt. 23–50, 61 FR 5193, Feb. 9, 1996]
NEXT: Sec. 23.1585 - Operating procedures.
PREVIOUS: Sec. 23.1581 - General.