Link to an amendment published at 75 FR 9095, March 1, 2010.
(a) Delegation option authorizations apply only to products that are manufactured by the holder of the authorization.
(b) Delegation option authorizations may be used for—
(1) Type certification;
(2) Changes in the type design of products for which the manufacturer holds, or obtains, a type certificate;
(3) The amendment of a production certificate held by the manufacturer to include additional models or additional types for which he holds or obtains a type certificate; and
(4) The issue of—
(i) Experimental certificates for aircraft for which the manufacturer has applied for a type certificate or amended type certificate under §21.253, to permit the operation of those aircraft for the purpose of research and development, crew training, market surveys, or the showing of compliance with the applicable airworthiness requirements;
(ii) Airworthiness certificates (other than experimental certificates) for aircraft for which the manufacturer holds a type certificate and holds or is in the process of obtaining a production certificate;
(iii) Airworthiness approval tags (FAA Form 8130–3) for engines and propellers for which the manufacturer holds a type certificate and holds or is in the process of obtaining a production certificate; and
(iv) Airworthiness approval tags (FAA Form 8130–3) for parts of products covered by this section.
(c) Delegation option procedures may be applied to one or more types selected by the manufacturer, who must notify the FAA of each model, and of the first serial number of each model manufactured by him under the delegation option procedures. Other types or models may remain under the standard procedures.
(d) Delegation option authorizations are subject to any additional limitations prescribed by the Administrator after inspection of the applicant's facilities or review of the staff qualifications.
[Amdt. 21–5, 30 FR 11375, Sept. 8, 1965, as amended by Amdt. 21–31, 35 FR 7292, May 9, 1970; Amdt. 21–43, 40 FR 2576, Jan. 14, 1975]
NEXT: Sec. 21.253 - Type certificates: application.
PREVIOUS: Sec. 21.249 - Inspections.