(1) An advance notice of proposed rulemaking (ANPRM).
(2) A notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM).
(3) A supplemental notice of proposed rulemaking (SNPRM).
(4) A final rule.
(5) A final rule with request for comments.
(6) A direct final rule.
(b) Each of the rulemaking documents in paragraph (a) of this section generally contains the following information:
(1) The topic involved in the rulemaking document.
(2) FAA's legal authority for issuing the rulemaking document.
(3) How interested persons may participate in the rulemaking proceeding (for example, by filing written comments or making oral presentations at a public meeting).
(4) Whom to call if you have questions about the rulemaking document.
(5) The date, time, and place of any public meetings FAA will hold to discuss the rulemaking document.
(6) The docket number and regulation identifier number (RIN) for the rulemaking proceeding.
[Docket No. 1999–6622, 65 FR 50863, Aug. 21, 2000, as amended at 72 FR 68474, Dec. 5, 2007]
NEXT: Sec. 11.27 - Are there other ways FAA collects specific rulemaking recommendations before we issue an NPRM?
PREVIOUS: Sec. 11.23 - Does FAA follow the same procedures in issuing all types of rules?